Cusco OST Rear Type Strut Brace Upgrade Kit for AE86 Corolla

Regular price $128.00

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This part is an add-on to the Cusco Type OS rear strut bar.

The Cusco Type OS-T Strut Bar Upgrade Kit converts the Type OS to become a 3-point bar by including the floorboard as one of the points. It offers the same style as the Type OS, a tubular aluminum oval shaft with a high polish finish. The Cusco Type OS-T bar is an add on to the rear Type OS which MUST be purchased prior to fitting the Cusco OS-T portion. It comes with all the required hardware for installation and holes are required to be drilled in order for the floorboard mount to be attached. The Cusco Type OS-T bar can be fitted with the Type 40 and Type CB as well.

Delivery time: Usually 2 weeks (North America)